Volkshochschule (17 June
until 14 July 2011)
Dortmund, Fachhochschule (31 May until 10 June 2011) Luckenwalde, Kreishaus (9 until 27 May 2011) Bielefeld, University (18 April until 5 May 2011) Stuttgart, DGB-Haus (27 February until 12 March 2011) Frankfurt am Main, Klapperfeld (5 until 24 February 2011) Cologne, FliehKraft (11 until 21 January 2011) Cottbus, IKMZ (8 until 21 November 2010) Frankfurt/Oder (18 October until 4 November 2010) Berlin, HdD (21 June until 2 July 2010) Hannover (11 until 21 January 2010) Potsdam (17 October until 14 November 2009) Berlin (18 June until 5 July 2009) |
Some pictures
from the exhibition in Potsdam:
Archive of the events for the
exhibition period in the
main station in Potsdam from 17 October until 14 November 2009:
16 October 2009, 7.00 p.m. Opening 28 October 2009, 7.00 p.m ›Freeze! — The Residenzpflicht (obligatory residence) for refugees in Germany.‹ Information event with Beate Selders, Kay Wendel, and the Flüchtlingsinitiative Berlin-Brandenburg (Refugees' Initiative Berlin-Brandenburg, FIB). 31 October 2009, 7.00 p.m. ›Health for all!‹ Lecture and discussion about the medical health care for people without papers. Office for medical assistance for refugees (Medibüro). 5 November 2009, 7.00 p.m. Documentary ›Freedom, Security and Justice — Migration Management at the External Borders of the EU‹ (›Freiheit, Sicherheit & Recht — Migrationsmanagement an den Außengrenzen der EU‹) from the group PT Grenzräume Europa, followed by a discussion with the film makers. 5 to 7 November 2009, information and action days with Refugees Emancipation e.V. 10 November 2009, 6.00 p.m. - 10.00 p.m. Music without frontiers — Open Stage. Young musicians from different musical styles break the (style-) borders. Jazz-Blues-Rock-Pop-Folk improvisations. 12 November 2009, 7.00 p.m. recent documentary with three perspectives on life in "illegality" (45 min, German/English/French with German subtitles), followed by a discussion. Link to the movie trailer. 14 November 2009, 7.00 p.m. Finissage Detailed information about the events (partly in German): 28 October 2009, 7.00 p.m. Informationsabend im Rahmen der Kampagne gegen die Residenzpflicht, die gemeinsam mit den Flüchtlingsräten Brandenburg und Berlin veranstaltet wird. Es wird u.a. die Sozialwissenschaftlerin Beate Selders, basierend auf ihrem Report ›Keine Bewegung! Die Residenzpflicht für Flüchtlinge — Bestandsaufnahme und Kritik‹, über die Entstehungsgeschichte der Residenzpflicht, über Behördenpraxis, Polizeikontrollen, Strafen und die Verhandlungen vor dem Bundesverfassungsgericht und dem Europäischen Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte informieren. Vertreter der FIB (Flüchtlingsinitiative Brandenburg, angefragt) berichten über ihre Erfahrungen eines Lebens in "parzellierten Räumen". Breiten Raum wird die Diskussion über Interventionsmöglichkeiten einnehmen. Informationen zum Report auf der Webseite des Flüchtlingsrats Brandenburg Link zur Webseite der FIB > back to top 31 October 2009, 7.00 p.m. The office for medical assistance for refugees (Büro für medizinische Flüchtlingshilfe or Medibüro) reports on the medical supply for undocumented refugees and migrants and invites to discussions. How are undocumented migrants exculded from the regular health system? What practical and political responses are there? The Medibüro exists since 1996 as a self-organised and non-governmental organisation and arranges anonymous and free of charge treatments provided by qualified health care professionals for people without residence permit status and without health insurance. The aim of the political action of the Medibüro is the liquidation of itself. Link to the Medibüro > back to top 5 to 7 November 2009 Activists of the organisation Refugees Emancipation e.V. give an insight into their projects (among other things R.E. runs self-organised internet cafés in several refugee homes in Brandenburg) and into the situation of refugees. During the three days there will also be some activities. Link to the website of Refugees Emancipation e.V. > back to top 5 November 2009, 7.00 p.m. Screening of the documentary ›Freedom, Security and Justice — Migration Management at the External Borders of the EU‹ from PT Grenzräume Europa followed by a discussion with the film makers. This documentary illustrates the technological build-up within a new migration regime at the eastern external borders of the European Union. While borderlands in the Mediterranean and around the Canary Islands have been largely represented in the discourse of mainstream media, the eastern external land borders of the EU have rarely been paid attention to. The film focuses on the example of the border between Slovakia and Ukraine and gives a critical and detailed description of the technological, institutional and discoursive build-up of the EU land borders in the east. It becomes obvious how the impact of EU migration and security policy expands far over EU territory. As main actors in the Slovakian-Ukrainian example, the European Border Agency FRONTEX and the Slovakian Border Police introduce their strategies and technologies for effective regulation of migration into the EU. The film critically comments on this self presentation of the EU border regime. The film was shot on a field trip of the collective “Borderlands of Europe” in September 2008. Languages: German/English |